The club:
Unfair.SD is co-owned by 444_honey_444 , nike-girlz , LilMissStarz.x3 , mudroe , Fashiongoddessx and honeybee--x . The point of the club is to raise awareness on Stardoll about the differences between Superstars and NonSuperstars. We hope to achieve a fairer place for all its members and help to make more products available for NonSuperstars, including a greater selection of clothes and make-up.
We hope to become a big club on Stardoll, having a large amount of members to show the staff at Stardoll that things should change. Please do not get confused - we are not asking Stardoll to make everything free. We understand that Stardoll is a business and needs the money that Superstar membership brings in. We are only asking for a larger selections of things available to those members who cannot afford the rising prices of Superstar membership.
To get to the Unfair.SD club homepage, click here.
The Blog:
The Unfair.SD blog was set up by 444_honey_444 to continue the campaigning for a fairer Stardoll for all its members. The blog is a continuation from topics posted in the club, as a blog allows you to write more and add images. Currently Unfair.SD blog is looking for writers, so if interested please contact 444_honey_444 .
With more writers, hopefully the blog can branch out, meaning posts on free items can be posted. Free items allow everyone to gain more items for their suites and is really a pleasure to have. Right now, the blog has little followers and not many visitors but hopefully in the future we will attract more attention. The blog has just started, so we really do not expect much attention right now.
If you have any questions regarding anything, contact 444_honey_444 or honeybee--x . We are willing to help. An email section will be put up at a later date so you can email us with questions and ideas for the club and blog.
Unfair.SD is co-owned by 444_honey_444 , nike-girlz , LilMissStarz.x3 , mudroe , Fashiongoddessx and honeybee--x . The point of the club is to raise awareness on Stardoll about the differences between Superstars and NonSuperstars. We hope to achieve a fairer place for all its members and help to make more products available for NonSuperstars, including a greater selection of clothes and make-up.
We hope to become a big club on Stardoll, having a large amount of members to show the staff at Stardoll that things should change. Please do not get confused - we are not asking Stardoll to make everything free. We understand that Stardoll is a business and needs the money that Superstar membership brings in. We are only asking for a larger selections of things available to those members who cannot afford the rising prices of Superstar membership.
To get to the Unfair.SD club homepage, click here.
The Blog:
The Unfair.SD blog was set up by 444_honey_444 to continue the campaigning for a fairer Stardoll for all its members. The blog is a continuation from topics posted in the club, as a blog allows you to write more and add images. Currently Unfair.SD blog is looking for writers, so if interested please contact 444_honey_444 .
With more writers, hopefully the blog can branch out, meaning posts on free items can be posted. Free items allow everyone to gain more items for their suites and is really a pleasure to have. Right now, the blog has little followers and not many visitors but hopefully in the future we will attract more attention. The blog has just started, so we really do not expect much attention right now.
If you have any questions regarding anything, contact 444_honey_444 or honeybee--x . We are willing to help. An email section will be put up at a later date so you can email us with questions and ideas for the club and blog.