Saturday, 9 July 2011


I'm really sorry for the lack of posts recently. I've been pretty busy, been away for a few days and had a lack of inspiration. I'll try and get back into posting regularly - I have a lot of free time on my hands now, but I'm not promising much.

If you do check on here regularly, thank you so much. I know this blog isn't great at all, but your support is always appreciated. All the big blogs now once started off like this one. You are all stars, never ever forget that!


Friday, 1 July 2011

Beach Villa Crazy Prices!

In my mail the other day, another offer came up for the Beach Villa. So I opened the message and this is what it was:

I was shocked to see how much the Beach Villa costs - 249 Stardollars when the deal is finished! I was like "woahh" when I saw how much it was. I personally think it's crazy, I would never buy anything on Stardoll for that amount of money. What do you think about the price of Beach Villa? Would you buy one? Or have you brought one?


New Summer Collection at Miss Sixty.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while but here we are.

Recently there has been a new collection of clothes for the summer from Miss Sixty. I think some of them are great and stylish. I did buy a couple of garments before when I was a superstar but sadly now that isn't approachable. Also with Miss Sixty being designer the prices are quite high in price. :[ To take a look at the shop click on the image below;

